Book A Session
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin,
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
-Emily Dickinson
Property Clearing
45 min $60
( home, office, studio, etc.)
Buildings-- especially homes-- can harbor discordant energies, programs, and entities. Think of it as negative energy dust bunnies settled into the corners of rooms.
Indicators that you might benefit from a property clearing:
-Someone died in the building
-Other traumatic events occurred in the building
-The place is over 80 years old
-You do not feel secure being in the place alone although you do not typically have problems with being alone
Personal Clearing
1.5 hour $90
1 hour $70
( blocks, health, moods, etc.)
Personal clearings center around intentions. These can range from writer's block to relationships to health issues to career and so on. During a personal clearing, Spirit guides me in researching and clearing programs that are blocking you from being completely free to choose your own reality.
For example, an imbalance of energies and a program of self-limitation could be preventing you from finishing a project you're actually excited about.
For personal clearings, I will ask you to send me a list of intentions you'd like to work on before our appointment.
It's normal to feel physical sensations such as tingling, sudden sensation in the body, sleepiness, or anxiety during a clearing. This is all normal and is a positive indication that you are adjusting!